25 萬字
第1章 Why Some Old Lovers Look Alike?
第2章 14-Day Plan Improves Memory
第3章 The Top 5Laziest Inventions
第4章 Rice Bra Supports Japan’s Farming Fad
第5章 Birth Month Influences Your Chances of Becoming a Sportsperson
第6章 UN to Ban Texting by Drivers of Its Vehicles
第7章 Robot Conducts Wedding in Tokyo
第8章 Are Slavers the Real Builders of the Great Pyramids?
第9章 The Anti-swine Flu Holy Water Dispenser
第10章 Piece of Newton’s Apple Tree to Defy Gravity in Space
第11章 Better Urban Life
第12章 NASA Photographs “Trees”on Mars
第13章 Brides’Wedding Dress Storage Dilemma Solved by Scientists
第14章 Robot That Cleans:Inventor’s Ideal Woman
第15章 Is It Good for Children to Tell White Lies?
第16章 Does Animal Homosexuality Exist?
第17章 Are Men Really More Intelligent Than Women?
第18章 Men Also Suffer from Postnatal Depression
第19章 Solar-powered Plane Soars above Switzerland
第20章 The Solar Taxi,Just Have a Try!
第21章 Angels Can’t Fly,Scientist Says
第22章 Red Phone Boxes Get New Lease of Life
第23章 Evolution Defines Shopping Style
第24章 Japanese Beauty Secret-Chinese Acupuncture
第25章 Apologies Go down Better through Right Ear
第26章 The Unbreakable Umbrella and the Intelligent Plant Pot
第27章 Paws up:All-pet Airline Hits Skies
第28章 Robot to take Starring Roles in Korea (R.O.)Plays
第29章 Opposites Attract in Human Search for Mate
第30章 Drink up:Space Station Recycling Urine to Water
第31章 Ancient Lake Found on Mars
第32章 Should We Ditch Microsoft’s IE Browser?
第33章 Why Those Fat Thighs May Help You Live Longer?
第34章 The World’s Top Ten Insecure Passwords
第35章 Debates on Hallelujah Mountains in Avatar
第36章 Music Can Soothe Football Fans’Minds
第37章 The Psychic Cephalopod-Paul
第38章 Fizzy Drinks Speed up the Aging Process
第39章 Curvaceous Women Give Birth to More Intelligent Children
第40章 Is Running the Air Conditioning Fuel-Efficient?
第41章 King Salmon Vanishing in Alaska,Smokehouses Empty
第42章 High Cholesterol Leads to Alzheimer’s Disease
第43章 Pandas May Face Extinction
第44章 Should Electronic Cigarettes Be a New Option for Smokers?
第45章 Gluten-sensitive Patients Had Higher Mortality Rates
第46章 The Biology of Risk-taking
第47章 BMW’s New Trend:the Mini
第48章 China’s “Bandit”Mobile Phone Market Is Huge
第49章 Chip on Your Shoulder Will Ensure Bitter Pills Easier to Swallow
第50章 Bed Sharing Is Bad for Your Health
第51章 Preventing an Electronic Wasteland
第52章 What Can We Learn from a Slime Mold?
第53章 Chile Earthquake:Is Mother Nature out of Control
第54章 Babies Are Born to Dance to the Beat
第55章 When Watching 3D Can Fall Flat
第56章 Men,Not Ladies,First:We’re Still Sexist in Writing
第57章 Is Parenting a Joy Or a Trial?
第58章 Facebook:Millions Feel “Too Unattractive”
第59章 Young People Turn to Internet for Help in Solving Personal Problems
第60章 Why Women Now Prefer Johnny Depp to Sean Connery?
第61章 Struggling for Power:Canary Chicks and Their Mothers
第62章 Cave’s Clues:The Ups and Downs of Chinese History
第63章 Cleaner Fish and Third-party Punishment
第64章 How the Turtle Got Its Shell
第65章 Undiscovered Gas and Oil in the Arctic Circle
第66章 Blood Falls:Life Beneath a Rusty Glacier
第67章 Australia Is First to Recognise “Non-specified”Gender
第68章 Don’t Look Down:
第69章 Hand Bacteria May One Day Aid Forensic Identification
第70章 Conjoined Arizona Twins Readying for Separation
第71章 5cm Fir Tree Removed from Patient’s Lung
第72章 Why Dating Doesn’t Predict Marital Success
第73章 China’s First Reported “Mermaid Baby”Dies
第74章 Shanghai Tower,China by Gensler
第75章 Google Street View Shoots Same Woman 43Times
第76章 Cows on Treadmills Could Produce Six Percent of the World’s Power
第77章 Son Alerts Doctors to Mum’s Womb Tumour
第78章 Meet Joey,the Poorest Dog in the World
第79章 Sleeping Beauty-Miss Ball
第80章 When Power Snoring Exceeds a Power Saw
第81章 Mystery Explained:Glow in Night Sky Was Astronaut Urine
第82章 “Magic Blood”Used to Save 2Million Babies’Lives
第83章 White Baby Born to Black Parents
第84章 Pensioner Cracks Open Egg with Four Yolks
第85章 What’s in a Name?More Milk Apparently
第86章 Why Should We Colonize Space?
第87章 The Fish Spa
第88章 Staff Strip Naked to Improve Morale
第89章 Urine:A “Clean”Energy Source
第90章 Swedish Dad in Bid for Breast Milk
第91章 The Ig Nobel Prizes 2009Announced
第92章 Clone Beef’s Been on Sale
第93章 Humans Are Aliens from Outer Space,Scientist Claims
第94章 Artists Live High on Outside Wall
第95章 Pregnant Male Fish Can Choose Abortion
第96章 Photo of 55ft Snake Shocks China
第97章 Britain’s Shortest Mother Proud Amanda Moore
第98章 The Carton King of Japan
第99章 Japanese Cartoon Characters