21 萬字
驢子和戰馬 The Ass and the Charger
驢子、公雞和獅子 The Ass,the Cock, and the Lion
驢子與蚱蜢 The Ass and the Grasshopper
貪玩的驢子 The Playful Ass
馱著雕像的驢子 The Ass Carrying the Image
驢子、狐狸和獅子 The Ass,the Fox, and the Lion
野驢和獅子 The Wild Ass and the Lion
披著獅子皮的驢子 The Ass in the Lion’s Skin
驢子和老牧人 The Ass and the Old Shepherd
驢子和他的影子 The Ass and His Shadow
騾子 The Mule
驢子和趕驢人 The Ass and His Driver
鹽商和他的驢子 he Salt Merchant and His Ass
騾子和強盜 The Mules and the Robbers
驢子和騾子 The Ass and the Mule
驢子和買主 The Ass and His Purchaser
驢子和主人 The Ass and His Masters
驢子和狼 The Ass and the Wolf
驢和哈巴狗 The Ass and the Lapdog
磨坊主、他的兒子和驢子 The Miller,His Son, and Their Ass
烏鴉和天鵝 The Raven and the Swan
小燕子和烏鴉 The Swallow and the Crow
徒勞的寒鴉 The Vain Jackdaw
口渴的鴿子 The Thirsty Pigeon
孔雀和仙鶴 The Peacock and the Crane
烏鴉和渡鴉 The Crow and the Raven
狐狸和鶴 The Fox and the Crane
烏鴉和水罐 The Crow and the Pitcher
寒鴉和狐狸 The Jackdaw and the Fox
孝順的百靈鳥 The Lark Burying Her Father
鳥獸和蝙蝠 The Birds,the Beasts, and the Bat
鴿子和烏鴉 The Dove and the Crow
揮霍者和燕子 The Spendthrift and the Swallow
鬥雞和鵪鶉 The Gamecocks and the Partridge
畫眉鳥和捕鳥人 The Thrush and the Fowler
百靈鳥和她的孩子們 The Lark and Her Young Ones
鵪鶉和捕鳥人 The Partridge and the Fowler
烏鴉和羊 The Crow and the Sheep
貓頭鷹和鳥 The Owl and the Birds
熊和狐狸 The Bear and the Fox
熊和兩個過路人 The Bear and the Two Travelers
獅子、熊和狐狸 The Lion,the Bear, and the Fox
老雕、鷂鷹和鴿子 The Hawk,the Kite, and the Pigeons
烏龜和老鷹 The Tortoise and the Eagle
病重的鷂鷹 The Sick Kite
老鷹和箭頭 The Eagle and the Arrow
海鷗和鷂鷹 The Seagull and the Kite
老鷹和寒鴉 The Eagle and the Jackdaw
農夫和老鷹 The Peasant and the Eagle
鷂鷹和天鵝 The Kites and the Swans
寒鴉和鴿子 The Jackdaw and the Doves
老鷹和狐狸 The Eagle and the Fox
老鷹和獵人 The Eagle and His Captor
老雕和夜鶯 The Hawk and the Nightingale
老鷹和鷂鷹 The Eagle and the Kite
公牛和青蛙 The Ox and the Frog
牛和車軸 The Oxen and the Axle-Trees
牛和屠夫 The Oxen and the Butchers
小牛和老牛 The Heifer and the Ox
老鼠和公牛 The Mouse and the Bull
公牛和牛犢 The Bull and the Calf
跳蚤和公牛 The Flea and the Ox
公牛、母獅和獵人 The Bull,the Lioness, and the Wild-Boar Hunter
獅子和三頭公牛 The Lion and the Three Bulls
獅子和公牛 The Lion and the Bull
公牛和山羊 The Bull and the Goat
駱駝 The Camel
駱駝和朱庇特 The Camel and Jupiter
猴子和駱駝 The Monkey and the Camel
駱駝和阿拉伯人 The Camel and the Arab
貓和小鳥 The Cat and the Birds
貓和維納斯 The Cat and Venus
貓和公雞 The Cat and the Cock
貓和老鼠 The Cat and the Mice
小鹿和媽媽 The Fawn and His Mother
瞎了一隻眼的鹿 The One-Eyed Doe
雄鹿和葡萄藤 The Hart and the Vine
母鹿和獅子 The Doe and the Lion
雄鹿、狼和羊 The Stag,the Wolf, and the Sheep
池塘邊的雄鹿 The Stag at the Pool
躲進牛欄裏的雄鹿 The Stag in the Ox-Stall
病鹿 The Sick Stag
行人和他的狗 The Traveler and His Dog
狗與影子 The Dog and the Shadow
食槽中的狗 The Dog in the Manger
牧羊人和狗 The Shepherd and the Dog
係鈴鐺的狗 The Mischievous Dog
兩隻狗 The Two Dogs
狼和看家狗 The Wolf and the Housedog
銅匠與狗 The Brazier and His Dog
農夫與狗 The Master and His Dogs
年邁的獵犬 The Old Hound
母狗和她的小狗 The Bitch and Her Whelps
狗群和牛皮 The Dogs and the Hides
狗的房子 The Dog’s House
狼群和牧羊犬 The Wolves and the Sheepdogs
狗和牡蠣 The Dog and the Oyster
狗群和狐狸 The Dogs and the Fox
狗和廚子 The Dog and the Cook
小偷和看家狗 The Thief and the Housedog
螃蟹和蟹媽媽 The Crab and Its Mother
獅子和海豚 The Lion and the Dolphin
海豚、鯨魚和小鯡魚 The Dolphins,the Whales, and the Sprat
猴子和海豚 The Monkey and the Dolphin
螃蟹和狐狸 The Crab and the Fox
漁夫和小魚 The Fisherman and the Little Fish
獅子、老鼠和狐狸 The Lion,the Mouse, and the Fox
農夫和狐狸 The Farmer and the Fox
發福的狐狸 The Swollen Fox
獅子、狐狸和驢子 The Lion,the Fox, and the Ass
失去了尾巴的狐狸 The Fox Who Had Lost His Tail
狐狸和烏鴉 The Fox and the Crow
狐狸和刺蝟 The Fox and the Hedgehog
狐狸和伐木工 The Fox and the Woodcutter
狐狸和葡萄 The Fox and the Grapes
狐狸和山羊 The Fox and the Goat
狐狸和豹 The Fox and the Leopard
獅子、狼和狐狸 The Lion,the Wolf, and the Fox
沒見過獅子的狐狸 The Fox and the Lion
狐狸和麵具 The Fox and the Mask
男孩和青蛙 The Boys and the Frogs
老鼠、青蛙和老雕 The Mouse,the Frog, and the Hawk
青蛙醫生 The Quack Frog
兩隻青蛙 The Two Frogs
驢子和青蛙 The Ass and the Frogs
兩隻青蛙 The Two Frogs
青蛙對太陽的抱怨 The Frogs’Complaint Against the Sun
籲求國王的青蛙 The Frogs Asking for a King
大力神和車夫 Hercules and the Wagoner
朱庇特和猴子 Jupiter and the Monkey
老頭和死神 The Old Man and Death
蜜蜂和朱庇特 The Bee and Jupiter
人和森林之神 The Man and the Satyr
赫耳墨斯和雕塑家 Mercury and the Sculptor
哲學家、螞蟻和赫耳墨斯 The Philosopher,the Ants, and Mercury
赫耳墨斯和木匠 The Image of Mercury and the Carpenter
孔雀和朱諾 The Peacock and Juno
橡樹和朱庇特 The Oaks and Jupiter
眾神保護的樹 The Trees Under the Protection of the Gods
善與惡 The Goods and the Ills
行人和命運女神 The Traveler and Fortune
朱庇特、尼普頓、密涅瓦和莫墨斯 Jupiter,Neptune,Minerva, and Momus
烏鴉和赫耳墨斯 The Crow and Mercury
獅子、朱庇特和大象 The Lion,Jupiter, and the Elephant
赫耳墨斯和砍柴人 Mercury and the Workmen
野兔和獵狗 The Hare and the Hound
龜兔賽跑 The Hare and the Tortoise
獅子和兔子 The Lion and the Hare
兔子和狐狸 The Hares and the Foxes
獵狗和兔子 The Dog and the Hare
兔子和青蛙 The Hares and the Frogs
麻雀和兔子 The Sparrow and the Hare
兔子和獅子 The Hares and the Lions
馬和馬夫 The Horse and Groom
馬和騎兵 The Horse and His Rider
戰馬和磨坊主 The Charger and the Miller
人、馬、公牛和狗 The Man,the Horse,the Ox, and the Dog
馬和雄鹿 The Horse and the Stag
驢子和馬 The Ass and the Horse
馬和驢子 The Horse and the Ass
狼和馬 The Wolf and the Horse
蚊子和公牛 The Gnat and the Bull
跳蚤和大力士 The Flea and the Wrestler
黃蜂和蛇 The Wasp and the Snake
蒼蠅和趕路的騾子 The Fly and the Draught-Mule
蒼蠅和蜂蜜 The Flies and the Honey-Pot
黃蜂、鵪鶉和農夫 The Wasps,the Partridges, and the Farmer
禿子和蒼蠅 The Bald Man and the Fly
跳蚤和人 The Flea and the Man
螞蟻和鴿子 The Ant and the Dove
螞蟻和蚱蜢 The Ants and the Grasshopper
蚊子和獅子 The Gnat and the Lion
蚱蜢和貓頭鷹 The Grasshopper and the Owl
人和獅子 The Man and the Lion
獅子和老鼠 The Lion and the Mouse
獅子的王道 The Kingdom of the Lion
病獅 The Sick Lion
墜入愛河的獅子 The Lion in Love
ĸʨ The Lioness
獅子和野豬 The Lion and the Boar
年老的獅子 The Old Lion
宅院裏的獅子 The Lion in a Farmyard
獅子和老鷹 The Lion and the Eagle
狐狸和獅子 The Fox and the Lion
獅子和狐狸 The Lion and the Fox
弓箭手和獅子 The Bowman and Lion
獅子和牧羊人 The Lion and the Shepherd
燒炭人與漂洗工 The Charcoal-Burner and the Fuller
牧人和小牛犢 The Herdsman and the Lost Bull
捕蚱蜢的小男孩 The Boy Hunting Locusts
農夫和兒子們 The Father and His Sons
兩個士兵和強盜 The Two Soldiers and the Robber
吹簫的漁夫 The Fisherman Piping
農夫和鸛 The Farmer and the Stork
男孩和蕁麻 The Boy and the Nettles
男孩和榛子 The Boy and the Filberts
農夫和鶴 The Farmer and the Cranes
守財奴 The Miser
自吹自擂的人 The Boasting Traveler
賣神像的人 The Seller of Images
殺人犯 The Manslayer
農民和他的孩子們 The Farmer and His Sons
寡婦和女仆 The Widow and Her Little Maidens
一個男人和他的兩個情婦 The Man and His Two Sweethearts
海邊的行人 The Seaside Travelers
被俘的號兵 The Trumpeter Taken Prisoner
天文學家 The Astronomer
牧羊人和小狼 The Shepherd and the Wolf
擠奶女工和她的桶 The Milk-Woman and Her Pail
埃塞俄比亞人 The Aethiop
被狗咬了的人 The Man Bitten by a Dog
獵人和騎手 The Hunter and the Horseman
漁夫和魚網 The Fisherman and His Nets
獵人和漁夫 The Huntsman and the Fisherman
老婦人和酒瓶 The Old Woman and the Wine-Jar
牧人和大海 The Shepherd and the Sea
兩個對手 The Two Men Who Were Enemies
三個匠人 The Three Tradesmen
膽小的獵人 The Hunter and the Woodman
真理和行人 Truth and the Traveler
兩個過路人和斧子 The Two Travelers and the Axe
禿子騎手 The Bald Knight
父親和兩個女兒 The Father and His Two Daughters
遊泳的男孩 The Boy Bathing
小偷和他的母親 The Thief and His Mother
丈夫和妻子 The Man and His Wife
漁夫們 The Fishermen
開始行醫的鞋匠 The Cobbler Turned Doctor
豹和牧羊人 The Panther and the Shepherds
兩個袋子 The Two Bags
王子和畫中的獅子 The King’s Son and the Painted Lion
預言家 The Prophet
老婦人和醫生 The Old Woman and the Physician
富翁和皮匠 The Rich Man and the Tanner
小偷和旅店掌櫃 The Thief and the Innkeeper
小醜和農夫 The Buffoon and the Countryman
姐弟倆 The Brother and the Sister
遭遇海難的人和海 The Shipwrecked Man and the Sea
狐狸和猴子 The Fox and the Monkey
猴子和漁夫們 The Monkey and the Fishermen
猴子和他們的母親 The Monkeys and Their Mother
狼、狐狸和猿猴 The Wolf,the Fox, and the Ape
跳舞的猴子 The Dancing Monkeys
狐狸和猴子 The Fox and the Monkey
猿猴和兩個行人 The Apes and the Two Travelers
小鼴鼠和媽媽 The Mole and His Mother
蝙蝠與黃鼠狼 The Bat and the Weasels
開會的老鼠 The Mice in Council
老鼠和黃鼠狼 The Mice and the Weasels
黃鼠狼和老鼠 The Weasel and the Mice
田鼠和家鼠 The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse
北風和太陽 The North Wind and the Sun
山震 The Mountain in Labor
肚子和身體的其他成員 The Belly and the Members
河流和海洋 The Rivers and the Sea
油燈 The Lamp
陶罐和銅罐 The Two Pots
老鷹、貓和野豬 The Eagle,the Cat, and the Wild Sow
小豬和羊 The Piglet,the Sheep, and the Goat
野豬和狐狸 The Wild Boar and the Fox
公雞和寶石 The Cock and the Jewel
爭鬥的公雞和老鷹 The Fighting Cocks and the Eagle
捕鳥人、鵪鶉和公雞 The Birdcatcher,the Partridge, and the Cock
下金蛋的母雞 The Hen and the Golden Eggs
婦女和母雞 The Woman and Her Hen
小偷和公雞 The Thieves and the Cock
狗、公雞和狐狸 The Dog,the Cock, and the Fox
鵝和鶴 The Geese and the Cranes
母雞和燕子 The Hen and the Swallow
天鵝和鵝 The Swan and the Goose
山羊和牧羊人 The Goat and the Goatherd
葡萄藤和山羊 The Vine and the Goat
牧羊人和羊 The Shepherd and the Sheep
寡婦和羊 The Widow and the Sheep
小羊和狼 The Kid and the Wolf
母山羊和他們的胡須 The She-Goats and Their Beards
牧羊人和野羊群 The Goatherd and the Wild Goats
山羊和驢子 The Goat and the Ass
小綿羊和狼 The Lamb and the Wolf
狼和山羊 The Wolf and the Goat
農夫和蛇 The Farmer and the Snake
農夫和咬死他兒子的蛇 The Laborer and the Snake
捕鳥人和毒蛇 The Fowler and the Viper
燕子和蛇 The Swallow,the Serpent, and the Court of Justice
烏鴉和大蛇 The Crow and the Serpent
蛇和老鷹 The Serpent and the Eagle
毒蛇和銼刀 The Viper and the File
石榴樹、蘋果樹和荊棘 The Pomegranate, Apple-Tree, and Bramble
杉樹和荊棘 The Fir-Tree and the Bramble
橡樹和蘆葦 The Oak and the Reeds
狐狸和荊棘 The Fox and the Bramble
橡樹和伐木工 The Oak and the Woodcutters
胡桃樹 The Walnut-Tree
玫瑰和莧菜 The Rose and the Amaranth
橄欖樹和無花果樹 The Olive-Tree and the Fig-Tree
行人和梧桐樹 The Travelers and the Plane-Tree
農民和蘋果樹 The Peasant and the Apple-Tree
樹木和斧頭 The Trees and the Axe
披著羊皮的狼 The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
狼與小綿羊 The Wolf and the Lamb
狼群和羊群 The Wolves and the Sheep
狼和鶴 The Wolf and the Crane
放羊娃和狼 The Shepherd’s Boy and the Wolf
小孩和狼 The Kid and the Wolf
狼和綿羊 The Wolf and the Sheep
婦人和狼 The Mother and the Wolf
狼和牧羊人 The Wolf and the Shepherd
狼和牧人 The Wolf and the Shepherds
狼和狐狸 The Wolf and the Fox
盲人和狼崽 The Blind Man and the Whelp
狼和獅子 The Wolf and the Lion
狼和奪食的獅子 The Wolf and the Lion